growth through awareness
Who would you be without your story? Who wrote your story? Who keeps telling it?
By the time we reach an age where we can choose to start doing conscious self-awareness work, so much of what we tell ourselves has been ringing in our ears and hearts and minds for a long time. Beginning to unravel the tangle of beliefs about self that make up our identity feels like a challenge, but actually, it's an absolute joy to set ourselves free
from all the judgement we have experienced. Encouraging some kind of energetic shift in the mind-body-spirit system can make growth through awareness can be fun rather than hard work.
Leaders in their fields of expertise are developing new ways of extending the benefits of their practices so that growth through awareness can be fun rather than hard work. These new approaches encourage some kind of energetic shift to occurr in the mind-body spirit system. Two of these experts are Judy DeLozier and Patty Novick.
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