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about fantastical being

How we use language has an impact on the energy we can generate. Language influences how we can think and feel. The word ‘fantastic’ still has a positive connotation, but the word ‘fantastical’ is used to imply, delusional, impossible and unrealistic. The lid is being put on our ‘wildest dreams’ jar. We are led to believe that living in peace is impossible … fantastical even!!!


Fantastical being is about owning the right to dream and create solutions to problems that we are told cannot change. It is about thinking and exploring beyond what we are taught, beyond what others say, so that we can realise solutions that others may not yet have thought of. It is about continuing to have the courage to dream of a world where it is possible for humans to be kind to one another, without being called dreamers. Creating such a world will require true strength and intelligence.


If we understand how we generate and exchange energy with each other, and the world around us, it will enable us to have more conscious choice over the situations we create. Through knowing more about who we are, how we work and how we can transform energy from one state to another, we can have more agency over what we think, feel and do. We can consciously build the beautiful world that our hearts long for.


We hope to consolidate evidence for what we already know about how we sense energy in the mind-body-spirit system, and also generate a body of work that will inform ground-breaking advances in our understanding of how we can consciously work with energy with greater integrity. By operating with greater integrity, we can stay sane and create nourishing relationships with ourselves, each other, and the natural systems on which our lives depend. We aim to generate truly innovative solutions to old problems. We believe that this is the responsible, intelligent, mature thing to do, and that we can have fun whilst doing it.

about us

We make greater advances when we are consciously involved in how we are exchanging energy with the world around us. As professional practitioners of a variety of healing modalities, we have become very interested in how our clients and our professional peers talk about their experiences of energy in the mind-body-spirit system.


We want to develop language and concepts around working with energy that allow people to take greater ownership of their healing process. We create spaces where practitioners and individuals can increase their understanding of the nature of their energy being, and therefore, their potential. We explore how we expand our awareness, how we stay curious, and how we learn from each other. We promote the transformational power of love as a quality of energy. 

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