As an energy being in human form on earth, you are the most complex instrument we know of to conduct, measure and transform energy. You already do these things to a greater or lesser degree, whether you realise it or not. This is an automatic process that is occurring through you every single day. You may have some awareness of the process but using meditation is the way to really expand your awareness of who and what you are. The benefit of this is that you can take a more conscious role in making the life you have the life you want it to be.
Meditation is a state of being that is one of our natural abilities as humans. It is related to brainwave frequencies. When we are in a state of meditation, our brainwave patterns change. We also know then that, as our brainwave patterns change, we can spontaneously shift into a state of meditation, if only for a few seconds. This is when the mind can automatically re-set itself. It is one of our natural coping mechanisms.
Once we are in a state of meditation, whether we have got there spontaneously or consciously, we are most able to interpret and interact with energy. If we have got into that state spontaneously, we may not be aware of this process. If we have got there consciously, we can be more aware of this process.
When we have gotten into a state of meditation through conscious choice, there are three things we can do when we are there.
Conducting Energy...
We can hold our state of observational presence and focus on being in the 'here and now'. In this state, we create space to simply notice what comes into the mind and allow it to go again, bringing our awareness back to our presence in this current moment.
This is Mindfulness Meditation.
You can create a space for energy to flow through you more freely. You can continuously let go of any fixed position which might inhibit that flow of energy. After your mindfulness meditation practice, you will feel more energised and resourced.

Measuring Energy...
We can hold the state of observational presence and apply that to interpreting whatever comes into our mind or whatever we choose to focus on. This helps us give meaning to the energy that is around us. This is the process that is going on when we are consciously using our intuition.
This is Intuitive Meditation.
You can create a space for energy to flow through you more freely AND interpret a particular quality of energy that you choose to focus on. Whilst continuously letting go of any fixed position which might inhibit the flow of energy through you, you can interpret that energy with your intuition. You register the energy as thoughts, feelings and sensations. After your intuitive meditation practice, you will feel more energised and resourced.

Transforming Energy...
We can hold the state of observational presence and apply that to an outcome we want to focus on. This helps us give energy direction and is a part of the process that is going on when we are consciously doing healing.
This is Creative Meditation.
You can create space for energy to flow through you more freely AND choose to give that energy a specific quality. Whilst continuosly letting go of any fixed position which might inhibit the flow of energy through you, you can give that energy direction with your intention. You transform the energy with thoughts, feelings and sensations. After your creative meditation practice, you will feel more energised and resourced.

It is not meditation itself that is difficult. Your Bodymind is yearning to get back into the state of meditation, as that is where you recharge. The difficult thing is dealing with the obstacles that come up... the things that stop you being able to focus.
You can start to build your meditation muscles with small repetitions. One moment is enough. The most important movement is from unconsciousness to consciousness; from lack of awareness to awareness; from powerlessness to agency. Just begin where you are. You can do this.
Images by Loretta Lynn Rossiter @