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learn to heal yourself

Increasing uncertainty about the future is starting to have a negative imact on you...



You're noticing that different situations drain your energy and you are not sure what to do about it.



You're beginning to realise you need some extra resources to get you through the new challenges life is presenting to you.

you feel overwhelmed because...

You don't feel like you've got the support you need.

You don't know where to find the information you need.

You're not sure what it is that's going to make a difference.

I know you can get the energy you need


I can show you how to

use healing tools on yourself


Learn about your energetic field and how to take care of it.


Understand how to keep your mind, body and emotions balanced and resourced.


Find out how to protect yourself from the energy around you.


Assess what type of energy helps you feel vibrant and strong.


Access all the self-healing tools you need in one place.


Use the online community for regular practice sessions to boost your progress.


Understand how to use the tools through regular practice.


Learn from the experiences of other community folk.


Learn about energy work and how you can boost your own energy.


Find a pace that suits you and create a self-healing programme that sustains you.


 Feel like you are in control of your own healing process.


Be able to access the energy you need whenever you need it.

these courses are a great fit for you if...

You want to find out what you need to be doing to stay well.


You want to have the energy to do what you need to do.


You’re looking for a self-care routine that is easy and effective.


You're confused by all the different advice coming at you through the media.


You’re tired of being told you need something you haven’t got.


You are interested in taking the best care of yourself without it costing too much time/money.


You feel like there is something else you should be doing but you’re not sure what it is.


You just want to understand the essentials about how to look after your health.

you can learn to heal yourself in a group or 1-2-1

Colored Space

“Jenny is a fantastic facilitator and guide in the realm of self-transformation. My own experience was that she held a space for me with intuitive wisdom and great compassion.” 


Lucy Weir,


feel safe

I'm Jenny Suddaby. I'm an energy coach and energy healing practitioner. I help you understand how you are exchanging energy with your environment and what you can do to manage your energy levels.


Neuroscience is providing more and more evidence that supports the fact that humans need to feel safe. There are many healing tools that can bring us a sense of safety and increase the flow of positive energy through our lives. I help you to find the healing tools that suit you best so that you can be your best in the world.

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I have spent my whole adult life trying to find out what we are, how we work and the potential of what we can do. I had been exchanging energy with my environment all of my life, but I was never actually taught anything about that process or how to hold my energetic balance. I used to get so drained by the energy of people around me, but I had no idea what was happening.


It was only when I did professional training in healing that I found out about how we exchange energy and how we can change energy from one state to another. I was so blown away by the realisation of what was going on around us and between us that, as soon as I qualified, I started teaching that process to others.


The abilities to conduct, measure and transform energy from one state to another are amazing superpowers that we are usually unaware of and taught little about. It is these superpowers that allow you to be involved in your own self-healing process. Once you understand how to use these superpowers, you are directly involved in how much energy you can access to maintain your own vitality.


We can all give energy direction with our intention. We can all change starlight into love. Learning about how to work with energy is like remembering what you were never taught but, deep down, you already know makes sense, because it is your natural ability as an energy being in human form on earth. 

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